• Have all the main and/or sub-flows for this iteration been handled?
  • Have all the objects required in the use-case realization been found?
  • Has all behavior been distributed among the participating objects, i.e., are there participating objects to perform all the behavior of the corresponding use case?
  • Can all behavior be unambiguously allocated to the objects?
  • Have all exceptional cases in the use case been taken care of?
  • Has behavior been distributed to the right objects?
  • If there are several collaboration diagrams for the use-case realization, is it easy to understand which collaboration diagrams relates to which flow of events? Make sure that it is clear from the Flow of Events description how the diagrams are related to each other.

Display Rational Unified Process using frames


© Rational Software Corporation 1998 Rational Unified Process 5.1 (build 43)