Business Object Model
The business object model is an object model describing the realization of business use cases.
UML representation: Model, stereotyped as «business object model».
Worker: Business-Process Analyst
Optionality: Can be excluded.
Sample Reports: Report: Business Object Model Survey
More information: Guideline: Business Object Model

Purpose To top of page

The following people use the business object model:

  • The business-process analyst is responsible for the integrity of the model.
  • The business designer documents details about responsibilities people carry and "things" produced or used by the business in this model.
  • The system analyst uses this model as input for identifying system actors and system use cases.
  • The designer uses this model as input for identifying classes in the analysis and design models.

Properties To top of page

Property Name

Brief Description

UML Representation

Introduction A textual description that serves as a brief introduction to the model. Tagged value, of type "short text".
Organization Units The packages in the model, representing a hierarchy. Owned via the association "represents", or recursively via the aggregation "owns".
Business Workers The business worker classes in the model, owned by the packages. Owned recursively via the aggregation "owns".
Business Entities The business entity classes in the model, owned by the packages. - " -
Relationships The relationships in the model, owned by the packages. - " -
Business Use-Case Realizations The business use-case realizations in the model, owned by the packages. - " -
Diagrams The diagrams in the model, owned by the packages. - " -

Timing To top of page

A business object model is created during inception and finalized during the elaboration phase.

Responsibility To top of page

A business-process analyst is responsible for the integrity of the business object model, ensuring that:

  • The organization units correctly represent the structure of the business.
  • The collection of business workers together cover all responsibilities in the business.
  • The collection of business entities together cover all "things" produced and used in the business.

Tailoring To top of page

You can choose to develop an "incomplete" business object model, focusing on explaining "things" and products important to the business domain. Such a model does not include the responsibilities people carry, and is often referred to as a domain model. In such a case, you would stereotype the model as «domain model» instead of «business object model».

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