Implementation Model
The implementation model is a collection of components, and the implementation subsystems that contain them. Components include both deliverable components, such as executables, and components from which the deliverables are produced, such as source code files.
UML representation: Model, stereotyped as «implementation model».
Worker: Architect
Reports: As part of the Artifact: Software Architecture Document
More information: Guidelines: Implementation Model

Purpose To top of page

The following people will use the implementation model:

  • implementers use it to see what components are available at a specific time;
  • architects to get a comprehensive picture of the software architecture;
  • those who implement the next revision, to get a full picture of the implementation;
  • testers to plan tests and follow up test results;
  • the manager, to plan and follow up the implementation work;
  • the release manager uses the implementation model to extract the deliverable components to create a release to customers.

Properties To top of page

Property Name

Brief Description

UML Representation

Introduction A textual description that serves as a brief introduction to the model Tagged value, of type "short text"
Implementation Subsystems The subsystems in the model, representing a hierarchy Owned via the meta-association "represents", or recursively via the meta-aggregation "owns"
Components The components in the model, owned by the subsystems Owned recursively via the meta-aggregation "owns"
Relationships The relationships in the model, owned by the subsystems - " -
Diagrams The diagrams in the model, owned by the subsystems - " -
Implementation View The implementation view of the model, which is an architectural view showing the subsystems and layers Elements and diagrams in the view are owned recursively via the meta-aggregation "owns"

Timing To top of page

Implementation is the primary focus of iterations in the Construction phase, but it is also performed during iterations in both the Elaboration and Transition phases. Implementation is also performed in iterations in the Inception phase, to create prototypes for example. The implementation model is continuously kept consistent with the design model.

Responsibility To top of page

An architect is responsible for the integrity of the implementation model, and ensures that:

  • The implementation model as a whole is correct, consistent, and readable. The implementation model is correct when it realizes the functionality described in the use-case model.
  • The architecture in the implementation model, described in the implementation view, fulfills its purpose. The implementation view is described in a separate artifact, refer to the Artifact: Software Architecture Document.

Note that the architect is not responsible for the implementation subsystems and components, instead, these are under the corresponding implementer's responsibilities.

Tailoring To top of page

You have to decide how to map the classes and packages in design model to components and subsystems in the implementation model.

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