
Overview To top of page

The file structure of the installed Rational Unified Process (RUP) looks as follows (almost). Click to see larger picture

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Microsoft® FrontPage® 98 has been used to develop the Rational Unified Process. FrontPage adds information for its own internal use. The folders that contain FrontPage information are prefixed with an underscores ('_'). An ordinary user of the Rational Unified Process, does not have to bother about this information. We present it here, just to make the picture complete, and someone who is going to customize the Rational Unified Process, probably want an overview of the FrontPage folders.

The top-level folder (See section "Top-Level Folder" for details) in a FrontPage web typically has the following FrontPage specific folders:

  • _borders
  • _derived
  • _fpclass
  • _overlay
  • _private
  • _themes
  • _vti_bin
  • _vti_log
  • _vti_pvt
  • _vti_txt

The rest on the top-level, are files and folders that make up the web. In our case you find the following files:

  • index.htm
  • rop.css
  • nodepage.css

And the following folders containing Rational Unified Process material:

  • applet
  • copyrite
  • devkit
  • ext_help
  • icons
  • images
  • index
  • manuals
  • papers
  • prjtmpl
  • process
  • rosetmpl
  • ruptmpl
  • sitemap
  • sodatmpl
  • toolment
  • tour
  • wordtmpl

Every each of these folders FrontPage creates three folders with FrontPage specific information. See section "Inside Every User-Created Folder" for more details.

Top Level Folder To top of page

The top level folder of a FrontPage web site, typically has the following contents:

Folder/file Description
_borders the pages that contains the shared borders. If you change the border on any (other) page, you are actually changing this page.
_fpclass Java-classes. For example, the hover-buttons.
_private Contains only one file: #haccess.ctl
_vti_bin Contains three files: 'fpcount.exe', 'shtml.exe', and '#haccess.ctl'.
_vti_log This folder has always been empty, in our experiments.
_vti_pvt An important folder from FrontPage's perspective. See  section "The '_vti_pvt' folder" for details.
applet Contains all Java code, and the top frame with navigation buttons, the left frame with the treebrowser, and the search database. See the 'applet' folder for more details 
copyrite The copyright text.
devkit Contains the files to generate index, search database, and process overview table. See the 'devkit' folder for more details.
ext_help The extended help database.
icons The icons used such as the buttons.
images Images used in the top-level pages.
index The files that make up the index, that is presented when you press the "index" button.
manuals Contains the Introduction online manual, the Ada Programming Guidelines, and the C++ Programming Guidelines.
papers Contains white-papers, i.e. information that hasn't been integrated into the Rational Unified Process.
prjtmpl MsProject98 templates
process This is a folder contains most html-files in the Rational Unified Process. See The 'process' folder for more details.
rosetmpl Contains the templates, and examples related to Rational Rose.
ruptmpl FrontPage templates, used to develop the Rational Unified Process.
sitemap Contains the process overview table, sitemap.htm.
sodatmpl SODA templates, and template instructions.
toolment Tool mentors to the Rational tools.
tour The webpages in the guided tour.
wordtmpl Microsoft® Word templates.
index.htm The starting page.
nodepage.css The cascading style sheet (CSS) that control the styles on the pages that are on the top level, in the left frame treebrowser.
rop.css The cascading style sheet (CSS) that control the styles on most pages in the process product.


The 'applet' Folder To top of page

The folder 'applet', contains the following folders and files:

Folder Description
images contains *.JPG, and *.GIF files.
ruptools Contains exactly what is zipped in the, and the, without licensing software.


File Description
browser.htm This page is automatically displayed if the user start the Rational Unified Process (open the files index.htm, at the top-level), using an old web browser. "Old" meaning versions 3.x and earlier.
buttons.htm The top frame with the navigational buttons.
help.htm Help on search. Presented when you press the help button in the Search window.
orytree.htm The left frame with the treebrowser. Java code for the search applet, zipped to improve performance. The search database.
tree.dat A text file which defines the outline of the treebrowser in the left frame. Edit this file to change the tree. The Java code for the treebrowser applet. Zipped to improve performance.

The 'process' Folder

The folder 'process', contains the following folders and files:

Folder Description
activity All activity descriptions, including overviews.
artifact All artifact descriptions, including overviews.
images Images use at the top-level.
itrwkfls Iteration workflow pages.
modguide All guideline pages. Organized in subfolders.
reports All reports.
workers All worker descriptions.
workflow Descriptions of all core process workflows.
workguid All work guidelines pages.


File Description
glossary.htm The Rational Unified Process glossary of terms
navtools.htm Describes how to navigate the Rational Unified Process.
ovu_proc.htm The very first page that is presented. The Home page.
referenc.htm References to other literature.
about.htm Information about The Rational Unified Process


The 'devkit' Folder To top of page

The devkit folder contains the files and documentation of the tools that have been used to develop the Rational Unified Process.

            applet/ Here you find the documentation and code for the left-frame treebrowser.
                        doc/ Documentation for the treebrowser applet, and
            application/ .
                   keywordindex/ .
                        doc/ Documentation for the KeyWordIndex application
                              bin/ Contains KeyWordIndex.exe
                        doc/ Documentation for the Search application
                              bin/ Contains searchEngine.exe, and searchEngineHelper.exe
                        doc/ Documentation for the SiteMap application
                              bin/ Contains sitemap.exe
            doc/ Documentation for all the tools.
      rupuse/ The subfolders contain the files that were used to generate the Rational Unified Process. If you need to regenerate anything use these files and modify if necessary. Instructions on how to use these are found in the Tool Mentor: Using the Rational Unified Process Tools.
            keywordindex/ Files to generate the index.
            search/ Files to generate the search database
            sitemap/ Files to generate the Process Overview Table


The '_vti_pvt' Folder To top of page

The folder '_vti_pvt', contains the following files:

File Description
_x_todo.htm The header of a "To Do list" in .htm format.
_x_todoh.htm The header of a completed 'To Do list' in .htm format.
access Unknown contents.
botinfs Microsoft® FrontPage® components used to be called webbots; this is probably related to components.
bots Unknown contents. See 'botinfs'.
deptodoc.btr Unknown contents. Seems like a page-specification.
diskweb Empty. Probably used to indicate a disk web, rather than local webs.
doctodep.btr Unknown contents. Related to 'deptodoc.btr' in some unknown way.
frontpg.lck Empty. Probably used to keep track of sharing violations.
linkinfo Information regarding broken links.
service Web-settings, for the whole website.
service.lck Empty. This is edited every time you edit a file. Probably used to keep track of sharing violations.
services Empty (except for a '\')
structure This contains the structure of the Navigator view.
writeto FrontPage admin. stuff.

Inside Every User-Created Folder To top of page

Inside each every user-created folder, Microsoft® FrontPage® adds the following three hidden folders:

  • _derived (pictures from the theme)
  • _overlay (pictures from the theme)
  • _vti_cnfdummy pages containing "administrative information about each file.

What Does Microsoft FrontPage Do? To top of page

Here are some examples of what Microsoft® FrontPage® does when you do changes to files. This is just of interest for the curious user.

A)    If you change the web-settings, the following files are changed:

  • deptodoc.btr
  • doctodep.btr
  • service
  • service.lck

B)    If you change any html-file within the FrontPage site, the following files are changed:

  • The "shadow-file" in the '_vti_cnf' folder.
  • deptodoc.btr
  • doctodep.btr
  • service.lck
  • linkinfo

C)    If you change the file's links to another file, then the other file's shadow file (in the _vti_cnf folder) will be updated.

D)    If you just open any file, then FrontPage will open the file 'service.lck'.

Display Rational Unified Process using frames


© Rational Software Corporation 1998 Rational Unified Process 5.1 (build 43)