A model element which defines a set of behaviors (a set of operations) offered by a classifier model element (specifically, a class, subsystem or component). A classifier may realize one or more interfaces. An interface may be realized by one or more classifiers.  Any classifiers which realize the same interfaces may be substituted for one another in the system.  Each interface should provide an unique and well-defined set of operations.

Naming Interfaces To top of page

  • Name the interface to reflect the role it plays in the system.
  • The name should be short, 1-2 words.
  • Don't include the word "interface" in the name; it is implied by the type of model element (e.g. interface)

Describing Interfaces To top of page

  • The description should convey the responsibilities of the interface.
  • The description should be several sentences long, up to a short paragraph.
  • The description should not simply restate the name of the interface, it should illuminate the role the interface plays in the system.

Defining Operations To top of page

  • Operation names should reflect the result of the operation.
  • When an operation sets or gets information, including set or get in the name of the operation is redundant.  Give the operation the same name as the property of the model element that is being set or retrieved.  An operation thusly named, without parameters, retrieves the property; an operation thusly named with a parameter sets the property.


name() returns the name of the object; name(aString) sets the name of the object to aString.

  • The description of the operation should describe what the operation does, including any key algorithms, and what value it returns.
  • Name the parameters of the operation to indicate what information is being passed to the operation.
  • Identify the type of the parameter.

Documenting Interfaces To top of page

The behavior defined by the Interface is specified as a set of Operations. Additional information may need to be conveyed:

  • How the operations are used, and the order in which they are performed (illustrated by example sequence diagrams).
  • The possible externally-observable states a model element which realizes the interface may be in (illustrated by example state diagrams).
  • Test plans and scripts which test the behavior of any model element which realizes the interface.

In order to group and manage this information, a package should be created to contain the interface and all related artifacts.

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© Rational Software Corporation 1998 Rational Unified Process 5.1 (build 43)