
This tool mentor describes how to use Rational Rose®98 to manage interfaces.

Related Rational Unified Process activity: section “Identify Interfaces” in Activity: Architectural Design.


One or more packages should be used to manage the Interfaces of a system.  To create these packages, see Tool Mentor- Using Rational Rose to Manage the Design Model.

To use Rational Rose to create interfaces:

  1. Create the Interface.
  2. Create Interface Operations.

1. Create the Interface To top of page

To create an interface do the following:

  1. Right-click to select the appropriate package which will contain the interface in the browser and make the short-cut menu visible.
  2. Select Interface from the New option on the short-cut menu. A "NewInterface" interface icon is added to the browser.
  3. While the new interface is still selected, type the name of the interface.

2. Create Interface Operations To top of page

To create an interface on an interface, follow the steps presented in Tool Mentor- Using Rational Rose to Manage Classes, using the same instructions presented for the class applied to the interface.


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© Rational Software Corporation 1998 Rational Unified Process 5.1 (build 43)