
To represent use-case realizations in Rational Rose®98.

Related Rational Unified Process Activities: Architectural Analysis,


The following steps are performed to create the Artifact: Use-Case Realization:

  1. Creating the Use-Case Realization Package in the appropriate Model
  2. Creating a Use-Case Realization
  3. Creating traceability between a Use Case and its Use-Case Realization

Tool Steps

1. Creating the Use-Case Realization Package in the Appropriate Model To top of page

Use-Case Realizations may be created in either the Artifact: Analysis Model or the Artifact: Design Model, or both.   These artifacts are in turn represented as packages in the "Logical View" in Rational Rose®.  Please refer to Tool Mentor- Using Rose to Capture the Results of Use-Case Analysis and Tool Mentor: Using Rational Rose® to Manage the Design Model for information on creation of these packages.

  1. Right-click to select the appropriate model (analysis or design) in the browser.
  2. Select Package from the New option on the short-cut menu. A "NewPackage" browser icon is added to the browser.
  3. With the new package icon selected, type the name "Use-Case Realizations".
  4. Right-click to select the "Use-Case Realizations" package in the browser.
  5. Select Class Diagram from the New option on the short-cut menu.  A "NewDiagram" browser icon is added to the browser.
  6. With the new diagram icon selected, type the name "Traceabilities".

2. Creating a Use-Case Realization To top of page

To create a Use-Case Realization:

  1. Right-click to select the "Use Case View" package in the browser and make the short-cut menu visible.
  2. Select Use Case from the New option on the short-cut menu. A "NewUseCase" class icon is added to the browser.
  3. Left-click to select the "NewUseCase" icon.  Holding the left-button down, drag-and-drop the "NewUseCase" into the "Use-Case Realization" package.
  4. Double-click the "NewUseCase" icon to display the Use Case Specification for "NewUseCase".
  5. Replace the name "NewUseCase" with the name of the Use Case.
  6. In the Stereotype field, enter "realization".
  7. Click the "OK" button.
  8. If a dialog appears indicating the Use Case now exists in two name spaces, click "OK".
  9. In the Use-Case Realization package created above (see Creating the Use-Case Realization Package in the appropriate Model), create a package to manage the Use-Case Realization, giving it the same name as the use-case realization.  See Tool Mentor- Using Rational Rose to Manage the Design Model for information about creating and naming packages.
  10. In the browser, drag and drop the use-case realization into this newly created package.   The use-case realization now exists in the Design model, in a package of its own, organized together with all other use-case realizations.  Having a package per use-case realization makes independent management and versioning of the artifact possible.

3. Creating traceability between a Use Case and its Use-Case Realization To top of page

To create traceability between a Use Case and its Use-Case Realization:

  1. Expand the "Logical View" in the browser.
  2. Expand the appropriate model package (i.e. "Analysis" or "Design") in the browser
  3. Expand the "Use-Case Realization" package in the browser
  4. Double-click on the "Traceabilities" diagram to open it.
  5. From the "Use Case View" left-click to select the Use Case.  Holding the left-button down, drag-and-drop the Use Case onto the canvas of the "Traceabilities" diagram.
  6. From the "Use-Case Realizations" package, left-click the select the Use-Case Realization you wish to associate with the Use Case selected in step 3.5.  Holding the left-button down, drag and drop the Use-Case Realization onto the canvas of the "Traceabilities" diagram, locating it in close proximity to the Use Case from step 3.5.
  7. From the diagram tool bar, select the "association" tool.
  8. Left-click on the Use-Case Realization.  Holding the left-button down, move the mouse pointer to the Use Case and release the left-button.  An  association will be created.
  9. Double-click on the association to display the association specification.
  10. In the stereotype field, enter "realizes".
  11. Click "OK".

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© Rational Software Corporation 1998 Rational Unified Process 5.1 (build 43)